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Writer's pictureBen Ballard

Iceland Packing List: Things to Bring during a summer trip

Updated: Nov 13, 2022

Visiting Iceland in the Summer time is completely Different from a trip planned in the winter time. Longer days and warmer weather allow for you to cover much more ground and see so much of the beautiful and unique landscapes Iceland has to offer. Enjoy Wild life like Puffins near the coastal areas. Hike and find waterfalls, glaciers, and for course find hot springs. It really doesn’t live up to its name ‘Iceland’. You won’t need to pack your heavy winter jacket or winter boots like you would in the winter. So check out this full packing list for your adventure to Iceland.

Weather Conditions in the Summer

Iceland is all over the place when it comes to weather which makes it very difficult to plan. So being over

prepared will pay off in the long run. Expect to

experience it all Sunshine, Rain, snow, fog, and a

lot of wind. One minute you could be hiking out

on your trail and have extreme winds and

sideways rain your having to walk sideways

fighting the gusts and jacket is all zipped up. The

next minute it could be calm and sunny and

you’ll be in a T shirt enjoying the most insane sunset from behind a waterfall. The summer months for Iceland are April to September and the temperature will range from 8-15C and sometimes in July August it can get up to 20-25C

How to Dress

Wear Layers in Iceland! You truly can’t plan for the weather so its better to bring it all. Wearing Layers is the easiest way to stay comfortable and warm. The most important thing to remember to pack is layers! Bring extra shirts, socks, and underwear. When it’s cold and rainy having layers and being bundled up will keep you warm. Then the next minute when Iceland feels like it’s time to bring out the nice layers you can strip off as many layers as you may need. Its the perfect way to keep yourself warm and dry when the weather is bad and easily remove layers to cool off.

Iceland packing list

So what should you actually pack for this epic adventure? Below is our list we recommend based off our personal experience from our trip. Of course everyones needs are different and depending on what your plans are yours may be different but this is a good checklist.

Summer Packing list:

-Wind/rain proof jacket

-wind/rain pants

-6 T-shirts

-2-3 hiking Pants

-A Bunch of smart wool Socks

-Good weatherproof Hiking boots

-Swimsuits (for hot springs)

-Towel (for hot springs)

- Warm hat


-Power adapter for the car



-Drivers License



Accommodations in Iceland

The bet way to travel Iceland is by Camping. This may mean you'll need to bring more items than necessary to keep you dry and warm. Camping in Iceland is very easy and there a lot of places to stay. We recommend adding these items to the above list if you are planning to camp. whether it is by camper van, Tent, or just in the back of an SUV these items will help keep you comfortable.

-Sleeping Bag

-Comfy pillow


-extra layers for the night (sleeping)

-Ipad/Laptop (movies at night or bad weather)

-extra towels for showers/curtains from the extra daylight

-clothes pins/tape

-eye mask

Welcome to the land of the midnight sun. In the Summer time the sun does not set and it stays bright out way past your bed time. You can use tape or clothes pins to hang up towels in the van windows or your SUV to make it darker to help you get a good nights rest.

** Read More about Camping in Iceland

Photography In Iceland

Lastly, Iceland is a photographers dream! Even if you're just starting out or have held a camera for years this landscape is perfect for every level of photography and Film making. The weather in Iceland can add some challenges to photography so make sure you bring a handful of cleaning clothes to wipe off gear and lenses from the fog or mist from waterfalls or the rain.

**Check out our Must See Iceland waterfalls list

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